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How to Put on a Cummerbund

Generation Tux
Generation Tux Team
Mar 27, 2018
How to Put on a Cummerbund | Generation Tux

What IS the purpose of a cummerbund, exactly? We’ll explore that, and more, in our step by step guide on how to put on a cummerbund, wear it well, and feel like the sharpest dressed man in the room.

If you’re baffled by the cum­mer­bund, you’re not alone. If you thought it was spelled “cumberbun” and aren’t entirely sure how to wear it, have no fear. Here’s a step by step guide on how to put on and wear this crucial tux accessory.

How to Put on a Cummerbund: The Basics

  • Hold your cummerbund to your waist. Be sure that it covers your entire pant waistband— that’s the proper way to wear it.
  • Make sure that the pleats of your cummerbund are facing up and out.
  • Adjust so that the cummerbund fits you firmly.
  • Once you have the right fit, fasten the buckle at the back of your waist.
  • If you need to adjust your fit, take the cummerbund off and flip it over. You’ll see an adjustable strap. Just be sure to tuck any excess strap material into the pocket of your cummerbund!

So, what is the purpose of the cummerbund? Short Story: it looks fantastic. Longer story: it has a fascinating history that dates back to the 1850’s. Though trends have come and gone over the past 200+ years, the cummerbund still looks best when paired with a sharp bowtie.

A word of caution: though we love cummerbunds, some men are better suited to vests. If you’re not confident about your middle area, a vest may be a more flattering and comfortable choice.

Wearing a Cummerbund Down the Aisle

Even if you’re not quite at the ready to commit stage, keep in mind that Gen­er­a­tion Tux gives grooms the chance to per­fect your look months before the wed­ding by offering a free Home Try-on for the groom, and they deliv­er everyone’s out­fit 14 days pri­or to your event. With 21 styles to choose from and thou­sands of acces­so­ry options— including cummerbunds in plenty of colors— you are sure to find the right look for you.

PS: If you found this video helpful, head over to our blog or YouTube chan­nel— they’re full of easy-to-follow how-to’s and tips from experts.

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Generation Tux

Generation Tux Team

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